Cosmic Exchange

Most souls on Terra are here to learn, expand their consciousness and balance Karma. Occasionally any one of those three choices can involve difficulty, it is not always an easy task to advance in evolution. There is a term often Read More …

Density and Dimensions

These two terms can sometimes cause confusion within the spiritual community. They are often used synonymously although there is a difference. They are not the same. The short explanation is: Density – The Vibrational Frequency of Matter Dimension – Is Read More …


This blog post is an explanation of a Spiritual Timeline, what it is and how to use Timelines to attain a higher level of consciousness. Knowledge is power and those on the ascending Path are continually seeking more and more Read More …

The Ring Pass Not

Those Souls on the Spiritual path of consciously searching the vast Unknown, also known as the metaphysical and the paranormal, are constantly striving to attain spiritual growth and move on up the ladder of evolution. There are lessons to learn Read More …


Karma is one of the most misunderstood words or situations that disciples encounter on their Spiritual Journey.  There is no “good” or “bad” Karma. Karma is simply an action. An energy generated by freewill action through thoughts, words or deeds.  Read More …

Coping through the Chaos

This is the title of a meeting that I hosted on May 16, 2021 through my Meetup site. Due to some technical difficulties, there were some members who were unable to access the meeting online so this blog is a Read More …