The Event

Over the past few years I have read many items on the so-called “Event.” No one seems to know exactly what it is, however most agree that “it” is big, whatever “it” is. 

My understanding of this wondrous occurrence is when Humanity as a Collective reach a level of consciousness that enables them to come from the highest vibration in Creation – Love – and accept the Truth of who we are and from whence we came. Accepting this great Truth will then bring about the total Liberation of our Planet. That will be when the Light Forces are then free to land in their space craft, show themselves and mingle with the inhabitants without creating fear. 

The 1920’s were labeled “the roarin” 20’s by some people. They were indeed important for this decade occurred right after World War #1, (1914 – 1918). Humanity was tired, tired of war and bloodshed, they were ready to go forward in peaceful times, relax and return to normal.

We are once again about to enter “the 20’s”, this time it will be the 2020’s. The upcoming decade will be “the roarin” 20’s as well. The 2020’s will be about change, significant change will take place, humanity will surge forward towards total planetary and personal liberation. 

Massive awakening within the population will occur due to tremendous assistance from Mother/Father God, the Angelic Kingdom and the Galactic Federation of Light along with many other benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations. We are entering a new decade, a new chapter in the history of this Planet – how very exciting!

This celebration began millions of years ago and has been prophesied over the ages by various groups. There are so many incidents and situations that lead to the finality of it that I am not able to cite them all. Plans created in the outer world regarding the Event have culminated in what we know of it today.

Starseeds have incarnated over and over again throughout history, doing their best to raise their own vibratory level as well as that of those around them and the Planet itself. They have been tortured and murdered for those acts but kept coming back because they knew it was worth it. Their sacrifices have paid off in many ways, the biggest is that the Light Forces now have the major control of this planet – the Dark are in chaos and running scared.

The Harmonic Convergence that occurred on August 16-17, 1987 is one of the more recent developments that contributed greatly to the Event. It is the name given to the world’s first synchronized peace meditation. This global action on the part of thousands, closely coincided with the exceptional alignment of planets in our Solar System.

There are many smaller, although no less important situations that will transpire before the real Event. Disclosure is one of them. Disclosure is just that, disclosure by world governments of the Truth that we most certainly are not alone in this Cosmos, that there are millions of advanced Beings living on millions of other planets, far superior in technology than we are. Also, truth will be disclosed about the rot that permeates world governments, numerous large corporations and organizations. Some of these truths will be shocking and cause disbelief in a few, it will also shake up the establishment and bare the lies and deceit we have been subjected to for thousands of years.

There will be a revaluation of world monetary systems, the banking industry will undergo major changes, and rightly so. Our monetary system will be gold-backed. That gold is already here on the planet and stashed away until the time is right to use it.  It has been available for thousands of years, brought here from other planets by the Galactic Federation of Light.

Other “events” will be N.E.S.A.R.A & G.E.S.A.R.A which mean National Economic Security and Reformation Act, also Global Economic Security and Reformation Act . This Act has been in place for hundreds of years, there were times when the intention was to enact it, to bring it to the attention of the public by World Governments but that was obstructed each time by the Dark Forces. 

The most well known was the attack on the New York Twin Towers September 11, 2001. That was the day NESARA & GESARA was to be announced and the magnitude of that catastrophe took precedence world wide causing NESARA to be delayed.

Additional events contributed to the delay in the liberation of our planet and the grand Event. One was the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963, who was murdered for attempting to expose the corruption within the CIA and their involvement in the drug trade.

Eventually through the hard work and sacrifice of so many souls over time the Light gained control this planet. Now it is just the finishing up, the final “loose ends” that need attention, which our very capable and loving Cosmic partners are well able to complete. The delay is not a “bad thing” for the longer we wait, the more souls awaken to the Truth and the smoother it will all unfold.

The Big Event may still be months or years away yet it is a certainty, and will culminate in our human and planetary freedom from abusive and oppressive forces.
