The secret to life – a mystery that has been reflected on for centuries by the ancients and by those of us in the world of today. Why are we here? Where did we come from? What are souls?
Some people believe that we just “happen” through the merging of an egg and sperm and ‘Presto’ a body is formed and born into the world. That is partially true but then what about the Soul, where does it come from and what is it? The chemical components that make up a body can be built from many sources, but only God can create souls. Souls are Light, Love and…Consciousness. The Consciousness is the Godspark within us.
We all began from Source energy – Prime Creator, the One of all that is. Source is pure Love energy, not a physical form – solely energy of Light, Love and Consciousness. So how does this Prime Creator experience all that is available in It’s own magnificent Creation? It subdivides Itself into billions and billions of fragments called Souls (consciousness) then sends those parts of Itself out to experience Life in all forms, in all realities.
Those fragments are the spark of Divinity that reside within each and every one of us – we are all part of the Greater Whole, all part of Prime Creator and that is where the saying “we are all One” comes from. We truly are all One. Everything that each soul experiences during a lifetime, all the situations, happy or otherwise go back to Source, this is how the Supreme Consciousness experiences physical reality, through each and every one of us.
A soul is cast then given the gift of Freewill and sent out to explore various realities. Each soul has a distinct journey, a particular drama to explore, different lessons to learn and Karma to clear. They plan situations which include other souls, choose parents, family, mates and lifestyles. There are souls who came in for the express purpose of ascension and there are others who chose not to ascend but be here just to experience life at this time in the amazing history of this beautiful planet.
It can be explained this way. “Its all a Mask behind a Veil in which innumerable states of Mind reside.”
The Mask is what hides the reality, what we live is an illusion – an illusion because we write/plan our life drama then take human form. We are actresses and actors playing out the plan we formulated pre-incarnate. The Director of our great plan is our Higher Self, the part of us that stayed back to love, guide and support us through the lifestream.
The Veil is the Veil of forgetfulness that we are all required to assume when we come here. It is necessary in order to advance in evolution. The reason for this is that if we remembered our true home in the higher dimensions and all that we know while in that life, what would we learn? When we take on the mantle of human form, the opportunity for rapid spiritual advancement is huge. Earth is sometimes referred to as “the school of hard knocks”, it is a difficult place to live because of the oppression humanity has endured for millions of years.
The oppression is due to the Patriarchal society that was established on this planet about a billion years ago by an off-planet species for the purposes of power and greed. That is not entirely a bad thing for us, it can be an opportunity to overcome fear, guilt, shame and other lower vibrations by reaching for Spirit with love, thus offering us all the chance to take a jump in evolution.
Lastly the “innumerable states of Mind” often means our Ego. Throughout our life we hold many different states of mind – joy, love, peace, hope, compassion, fear, doubt, greed, guilt, shame, anger, resentment, jealousy and so on. Learning to manage the Ego is a huge part of life, it is vital to moving up the ladder of evolution. When we are in the negative emotions, it is difficult if not impossible to connect to Spirit, God, to our Higher Self because that connection requires love and love comes from the heart. Negative emotions and love cannot occupy the same space at the same time, it is impossible.
The “innumerable states of Mind” can also mean a choice of which Timeline we wish to pursue. A Timeline is a Pathway we choose to follow, it is wherever we place our awareness. We have all been given the gift of freewill so we have the freedom to choose any path that presents itself. In so doing, we then must take responsibility for that choice.
Source energy is Love, we are love, when we choose to take physical form, we choose from the vibration of Love – love for humanity, the planet, love for ourselves in the desire to evolve and grow on our way back to our Source. The Veil of “forgetting” teaches us valuable lessons in life. It’s as if we actually do wear a mask and a veil, the true origins of our life in the Stars are forgotten. Our chosen Journey can be fraught with challenges that sometimes seem insurmountable. We see others as “different”, different colors, different beliefs, different traditions and from that, we form judgments about them and the way they live.
Life’s burdens may cause us to stray from the vibration of Love and choose anger at another. That is when we need to forgive ourselves. Sometimes we make choices that we are sorry for and then find it difficult to forgive and love ourselves. Many of the most important lessons we learn are self love, self forgiveness and non-judgment of self. Expand that to love and forgive others and non-judgement of others.
When we remember that we created our human dramas, when we stop blaming others for our woes and begin to take responsibility for our life, then we begin to raise our vibration and our consciousness. Raising our consciousness enables us to go one step further and choose Unconditional Love for others. This simply means accepting another’s Journey, accepting the Path and choices of another.
The acceptance comes from understanding that each soul plans their own life path which is a Sacred Journey blessed by God. Expanded consciousness helps us understand the bigger picture, to think outside of ourselves, to realize that balance is needed in all things. There is no judgment in the higher realms, everything just “is”, there is no right or wrong. Judgement is a human trait that we inflict upon ourselves, for we are all mirror images of each other.
Source energy is Love. Our souls were cast from Love. We chose to be here out of Love. The goal is to choose Love in all things. Love is the answer in every situation. The Secret to Life is – Love.