What Happens when we Die?

What does happen when we die, when our physical body dies? This question has been discussed throughout our history by many people and there are a variety of different versions of that occurrence. When humanity does not have access to the truth, or through acquired beliefs, has a false impression of why we are here and where we came from, the imagination takes over and fabricates an answer. It is so with the process of transitioning from this world to our true Home.

Birth, life and death are a process,  a series of experiences and situations. We are all here to evolve in whichever way we choose and we do have the gift of freewill to make any choice we wish to throughout our lives. Because of the choices a soul makes, it may find itself caught up in negative energy patterns which create hurdles that the soul may not be able to overcome, making it more difficult to advance in evolution.

Each soul’s afterlife may be different from another. There are many levels of consciousness/awareness that a soul occupies during a life time and when the physical body dies, the soul goes to the afterlife level that it has reached during the incarnation and thus experiences that afterlife. There are different types of afterlife and one of them is the 4th dimension known as Nirvana. So if the soul’s vibration at the death of the physical body is that level, then that is the afterlife they will experience.

Nirvana is the dimension where the soul is able to attend healing and learning Temples and in that way it can raise it’s vibration to the level of the 5th dimension which is necessary to exist in the higher realms. No soul is ever left behind, we are eternal Beings and there is no hurry to be anywhere or to do anything. Our Higher Self is always there for us and when the time is right, the soul will return Home.

Another perspective is – when the adventure is over, when lessons are learned, Karma is dealt with and/or service to others is complete, the incarnated portion of the soul begins the journey Home. There are times when the return Home is delayed but never stopped. If a soul chose a Life Plan that was very traumatic, which involved considerable pain and torment – whether emotional, mental or physical or a mixture of each, that trauma can interfere with the direct return Home.

When the “Silver Cord” or energetic bond is severed between the Higher Self and the disciple at the time of physical death, the soul can become confused and feel lost. When and if this happens, the soul is then assisted by the Angelics to Nirvana to heal and learn and raise their vibration for the journey Home.

In order to cast more Light on this subject, one must go back to the time before our earthly birth. Our soul decided to experience a lifetime outside of it’s normal existence and began the process of an incarnation. This means formulating a Life Plan with great precision, love and excitement. The soul then places a small part of itself into a physical body – let’s suppose that is a Human body – then the Greater Soul stays back and becomes the “Director” of the Plan. The small part that is incarnated is the “Actress or Actor” and acts out the drama of the Plan. The Greater Soul is known as the Higher Self.

The Higher Self and the incarnated Human are one and the same, the same soul only in different bodies with the Higher Self as the greater power. How could we do anything else but return to our own Self? What Soul would want a part of itself roaming around the Cosmos lost and forgotten?? Would an Soul really forget about a part of itself and just continue merrily about business without giving a thought to it’s Starseed? Our Higher Self is about love and compassion, is always with us and guides us through our Journey of Life. 

A great many people have acquired a belief that death is the end, it is scary, and is to be feared. The truth is that death is but a transition. A soul may experience pain and suffering during the life if that is what they chose but the death is painless, it is like shedding an old coat that is no longer useful. It is not the end, it is the beginning!

During the preparation of our Sacred Life plan, we choose our exit just as we choose our Karma and all of our experiences during that journey. We are from the Stars and that is where we will return – to the Heaven worlds, Mother/Father God, our Higher Self and our Star families in the higher dimensions. It is cause for celebration, not fear. When we accept this truth, freedom from fear will result. 
