Religion vs. Spirituality

Many years ago, when I learned that I was on a Path, a path of my own choice and began to explore the various avenues that were available to me, I found the answers I had been searching for most of my life. That was when I knew I was and am a Seeker. A Seeker of the Truth. Truth can be difficult to find in this world so we need to find our own and that truth resides within our heart. There are many ways to discover who we are, why we are here and where we came from. The easiest method is to listen to ourselves, listen to our intuition which is our Higher Self.

From childhood through to adulthood I was never comfortable with organized religion – I just didn’t know why. So I began to search elsewhere for truth, that searching led me to Spirituality. I have never looked back.


RELIGION: Merriam-Webster definition of religion: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies and rules used to worship a god or group of gods.

This definition shows that religion is restrictive because rules are used.

DOGMA: a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as undeniably true.

DOCTRINE: a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party or other group.

SPIRITUALITY: My definition of Spirituality is FREEDOM. It is being connected to God, Nature and the deepest part of ourselves ( going within and finding the Godspark that exists there ) and really discovering who we are. It is FREEDOM, freedom from the restrictions of religious rules such as Doctrine and Dogma. Spirituality is an exquisite connection between the heart and the mind. It is harmony within ourselves that overcomes the most difficult circumstances. There are no rules or dogma – the only guideline anyone who is connected to Spirit would use is “choose Love”.


I used to attend church ( I explored a few different ones ) in my younger days, I sat there feeling very pious and self-righteous as I sang the songs, said the prayers, recited the “creeds” and listened intently to the words of the sermon that the preacher delivered. 

I thought I was doing the right thing – don’t most people who go to church? I never really paid much heed to what I was singing, saying or hearing until one day as I taught a group of small children, I realized that I didn’t believe what I was telling those little hearts and minds. That was when I truly began to question religion. 

Organized religion is a massive, well regulated, systemic, powerful Patriarchal society. It is a society that is divisive and oppresses a major part of it’s population – the women. When you oppress someone, you use your authority to keep them down. There are exceptions where women hold a prominent position in the religious institutions, however, these numbers are small. There are three main religious groups, Christians, Muslims and Jews, and these three affect, attract and hold a multitude of people on this planet who believe in the rules and doctrines of their churches. These  institutions are extremely wealthy – they are worth billions of dollars. 

See link below:

One example of a Patriarchal society can be found in the well-known Apostles’ Creed used by many churches. See the creed written below:

Apostles Creed. 

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth;  

Where is Mother God? Why is God reputed by some organizations to be only male? God is a consciousness, God is Love and Light. God is both feminine and masculine.

and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord, …

We are ALL sons and daughters of the Creator

He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; 

Again, we have the Father and Jesus sitting together in judgement of all.

from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

This statement tells us that God is a judgmental Being. God sits in an ascended place watching us all and placing judgement on everyone – living or dead. Yikes!!

Jesus, Lord Sananda as he is known in the higher dimensions, was incarnated here on Earth and was a great teacher and healer who does not judge anyone. His teachings were about love and compassion. There is more to this story which I will relate to you at a later time and in another blog.

I see the religious society as contradictory in it’s teachings, an example of this is “ vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord” vsGod is love” and  “an eye for an eye” vs “turn the other cheek”. These teachings contradict each other because they are of opposite vibrations. In my world, religion is extremely divisive. It divides countries, people and families. Wars have been orchestrated by the global patriarchy many times using religion as a tool. War is profitable for the elite and an effective method of population control.

Division occurs when some churches have break-a-way sects that cease believing in the church’s doctrines, leave the church, form their own with another set of rules. Some churches try to amalgamate but usually this fails because they cannot agree on the rules! Division has developed over the ages through the Crusades, the Inquisition and wars between Christians and Muslims over territory.

This is only scratching the surface of the pervasive, insidious methods used by an ancient Patriarchal civilization that has been interfering in the evolution of this planet and it’s inhabitants for thousands of years. This off-planet civilization is and has been using religion as one of it’s major systems of control. 

The majority of humanity that frequents churches and believes in a religion, are good, loving, caring, generous people who are being controlled and manipulated. If anyone that is reading this blog does attend a church, I ask that you pay attention. Pay attention to what you hear, sing and pray. Pay attention to the words, for therein lies the truth. God did not create religion. Humans created religion.


The manner in which Earth and Humanity can break free from this control and interference is through Spiritual Enlightenment. We do this by realizing that we have our very own link to the Creator and that link is our hearts and minds. When we connect with Spirit, we create our own channel that is open to us always and forever. There are no rules using this connection, no money changes hands, there is no judgement. There is only Love and Freedom!


footnote: the writer of this blog, by utilizing the word “religion” is referring to a belief system that is used as a tool by a group or conglomeration whose purpose is to oppress a vast segment of the population through fear and guilt for the purpose of their own power and greed.