Channeled by Bethel
Greetings – I AM Lord Ashtar – we bring a message to you today of hope and encouragement that will lift your spirits.
We are nearing the end, some say The End Times. That is not a bad thing, it is the end of the old and a blazing new beginning for this Planet and all who occupy her. The old adage is true, there is Light at the end of the tunnel, the end of tunnel being your many incarnations through various lifetimes. YOU are the Light, you and every other soul who feels the stirrings of Spirit and awakens to their true Self. Your Light will assist in bringing about the liberation of this Planet!
Never underestimate your Power, you are powerful and the dark ones have done their best to make you forget that. You are almost through your hardships and sacrifices. We applaud you, we acknowledge your strength and endurance in the face of all that you endure on this planet as you constantly go forward in spite of these challenges.
You are our ground contacts, without you we could not accomplish the work that we do. When you put forth your effort, we magnify it and thus, are able to do our part. For this, we say a heartfelt Thank You.
Yes, Dear ones, the Light on this planet is increasing daily, we see the changes from our vantage point as more and more souls awaken to their true purpose – to spread the Light. You are the ones who are making the difference. The dark forces are scattering in disarray, trying desperately to hold onto their control but it is slipping away and they are confused – running scared, some infighting and chaos reigns as they feel the end of their power over this planet and it’s occupants.
Take heart, the final days are near, stay strong and hold your Light for there is much coming to you in the months ahead.
There is some Fear on this planet about extraterrestrials that is generated by the dark forces – it is deliberate and their motivation is to cause that fear, thus having more control over you. KNOW THIS – we are benevolent Beings with Creator’s plan our first goal and we come to you with the highest vibration of Love.
We have been in your skies for thousands of your years, doing what we love to do – protect, support, guide and assist. We are many and originate from various planets throughout the Galaxies. We do have among us, some on-lookers, those from different Universes who are interested in this great endeavor of yours. They are curious to know how this mass ascension of planet and humanity is done and what the final outcome will be.
When you look up in your skies, know that we are there, cloaked, but still there. We wait and assist in whatever way that Universal Law permits – and we send you constant Love!
I AM Ashtar