“At an international symposium held in Ghent, Belgium May 28-30, 2010, scientists asserted that “manipulation of climate through modification of Cirrus clouds is neither a hoax nor a conspiracy theory.” It is “fully operational” with a solid sixty-year history. Though “hostile” environmental modification was banned by UN Convention in 1978, its “friendly” use today is being hailed as the new savior to climate change and to water and food shortages. The military-industrial complex stands poised to capitalize on controlling the world’s weather.” – Global Research, Centre for Research on Globalization
“In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.” ~World Meteorological Organization, 2007
When is a conspiracy theory no longer a theory? When it is the truth?
What’s the difference between Con-Trails and Chem-Trails?

Photo source: Geoengineering Watch
CON-TRAILS : Condensed water vapors that trail behind a jet airplane when the jet flies at a certain altitude. This appears as a thin vapor trail and dissipates within a few seconds. It is fuel exhaust and is normal.
CHEM-TRAILS: A deliberate attempt to poison and sicken Humanity.
There is much information on the internet regarding the chemicals that the Dark Forces spray on our planet with regularity. I am guessing that the reason only a few read that information is because they do not have the interest. They do not have the interest because the mainstream Media does not report it, so people are not aware of the poisonous chemicals that Humanity is besieged with. In this blog, I plan to share some of that information with you.
Humanity is being inundated with poison, chemicals, toxins and implants by the group that wishes to keep us all sick, vulnerable, and ignorant of their deeds. If Humanity is sick and ignorant, they are not very likely to think about our Creator and connection with “the other side” – they are too busy just doing their best to survive.
There is also contamination of our air from organizations and/or corporations who are more concerned with profit than they are about the quality of the air we breathe.
Some of these chemicals contain aluminum, barium and other elements that damage eco-systems and impacts all nearby plant and animal life which in turn has a ripple effect on humanity through our food supply. There are also implants that fall down upon us, these implants are frequency activated and can cause illness, headaches, depression, sleeplessness, nausea, irritability, birth defects, and brain damage.
Above us in our atmosphere sit millions of space craft – called the Galactic Federation Fleet. They are nearby to aid humanity when they can without breaking Universal laws, however they will not do it all, we are here as the ground force to help ourselves. When we take the first step towards our own well-being then magic happens, our willingness to help ourselves opens a doorway that enables the Galactics to assist!
This is what I say as I focus my attention on the chemtrail, ”I hold the intention to bring Love, Light and Protection to the peoples of the Earth. I now call upon the Galactic Federation of Light and Love to dissolve these chemtrails”
I do know that if no one does anything, nothing will get accomplished. We have to try! What do we have to lose by making the attempt? Our participation does work, we can do this, we just need to be willing.
January 13, 2016