Many years ago I found and purchased a book containing channeled information from this Archangel. The book inspired me in numerous ways, the Truth that issued forth resonated with me and fascinated me. I had never read a book like this one, and I was an avid reader of various authors since childhood.
I still own and treasure this wonderful work of literacy that was so lovingly given to humanity. I especially love the words of dedication uttered by Archangel Ariel, which were:
We wish to dedicate this work to
all of those souls
who have dared to look,
who have risked finding
and who have faced tremendous fear
in what they have found.
Those souls who have followed their hearts
and have discovered
what their journey has led them to find.
And having found, have shared.
And having shared
have continued.
The title of the book is “Interview with an Angel” by Stevan J Thayer and Linda Sue Nathanson, Ph. D.
Published in the United States and Canada May 1999 by Dell Publishing.