It’s been a few months since I last posted a blog. The reason for this lapse in writing was my Journey. I was slogging through a particularly challenging learning phase and I needed time to integrate and process. We are always learning, that is the way of an incarnate, however occasionally we need time to rest.
I did learn a lot during that time, and one important lesson was TRUST, as in Trust my Higher Self, Guides, and Angelic Team. This Journey of mine can be fraught with difficulties that must be overcome – this poses a bit of a problem every so often because I am quite a determined individual and like things done my way. While I am being guided, that determination does not serve me well.
When we forge ahead over and around the hurdles that are placed before us, we use what we call our “free will”. I like to think of our journeys as a straight path back to Source and when we wander off the Path using our God given free will, we need the loving guidance of our Angels, Guides and Higher Self to gently but firmly set us back on course.
I learned that the most important aspect of following guidance is to come from the vibrations of Love and surrender and in doing so, I was sometimes able to put Ego aside. Ego can disrupt a peaceful meditation when it rears it’s head and wants to “take over”.
Our High Self is the greater part of ourSelf that resides in the higher dimension from whence we came. He/She knows everything about us because she/he IS us. This Being has knowledge of our past, present and future thus knows exactly what we need and when we need it. We, on the other side of The Veil, are existing in a 3D world and know very little of what is in our highest and best interests!
Our job is to follow our guidance with Trust, knowing that we are so loved in the higher realms and understand that our Journey through this lifestream, this River of Life is exactly as we planned it pre-incarnate. The lessons that we chose to learn, the experiences that we desired to live through are all perfectly managed. We are guided with precision, we just need to heed that guidance!
I read a very profound statement years ago from an unknown author – here it is:
Trust Your Path
Your Soul Knows The Way ~
I do my best to follow these words, it helps me very much. My intention is that it aids you on your Sacred Journey as well.