My last blog/video was titled Earth’s Celestial Realm and this one is additional information on how to access that wonderful place.
Walking our chosen paths can be very challenging at times and we knew that before we assumed human form but here we are…slogging through the density and mire of a planet in chaos.
Before we incarnate, we choose our life, we choose the lessons we wish to learn, the karma we would like to clear and or balance, the myriad situations that we desire to experience, and the many souls we want to meet along the journey, the ones who are close to us and those that we meet, interact with then go our separate ways.
Part of my mission here is to have various situations, often challenging, placed before me to experience, absorb, integrate and process, hopefully learn from and then lovingly share with others so they too can learn without having to actually experience that particular circumstance.
Buddha’s famous quote “holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die” embodies a truth that echoes across many spiritual teachings, and it most certainly resonates with me.
When a person clings to anger, it only hurts the one who is angry. The other person often has no idea that someone is angry with them, they merrily go about their business and the one who holds the anger is the one who is suffering, the very Soul is being hurt. When we refuse to release the anger, we restrict ourselves from forward movement along the path to spiritual fulfilment, the path to enlightenment.
Many years ago I faced a situation that brought my anger to the surface in a big way. Not only did I experience that anger, but I held onto it for a few years. It felt heavy, it felt uncomfortable but my ego was in full control at that time and I allowed the anger to remain.
Then one day I realized what was happening to me, I realized that I needed to take charge and relieve myself of this great burden, so I did just that. I forgave the other person involved and forgave myself. Forgiving myself was the key, the key that unlocked that great anger, the key that unlocked my heart and I was free to let go of that devastating negative energy. I know now that I was meant to share this so that it might help someone else.
The above is what happens when we allow our ego to take over. I am happy to say that I am in much better control of my ego now than I was all those years ago. Now when an unpleasant situation surfaces, I am able to take a step back, be more objective, assess the situation and arrive at a much more satisfying conclusion.
We are told that we are not required to be everyone’s best friend. When faced with a personal disharmony, our task is to give the other person ‘Unconditional Love’ and that simply means we need to accept another’s journey, accept what their level of consciousness is and then lovingly send them on their way.
The way Home is truly ‘through the heart’. We cannot live in love, raise our vibration enough to enter the Celestial Realm of Earth when we hold onto anger, a grudge, jealousy, or any other kind of negativity. Love and fear, love and negativity cannot occupy the same space at the same time, it has to be one or the other and in order to ascend in the physical, in order to allow ourselves the gift of occupying Earth’s Celestial Realm, we must live in Love.
Prime Creator once said to me:
- Live in Love
- Love to Live
- Love is All
- All is One. ~ Creator