A few days ago, I awoke with these words in my head:
“All who enter Earth’s Celestial Realm shall be of Love and Light”.
I quickly found a pen and wrote the words on a scrap of paper so I would not forget them. I thought about those words over and over again, knowing they came from Spirit and knowing there is always a deeper meaning to the obvious.
This is what I came up with after meditation and much pondering.
Celestial means ‘of the heavens, or the Divine’ which to me means the higher dimensions. When we incarnate here on Earth, we do so for various reasons, one of which to to advance in evolution by attaining spiritual enlightenment. We do this through meditation, searching for the truth and through love, compassion, acceptance, kindness and other higher vibrational energies.
In order to survive in the higher dimensions, one must attain a level of consciousness of at least the 5th, that isn’t a rule someone made up, it is pure physics. A soul must meet the vibrational frequency of the dimension it wants to inhabit or it cannot exist there.
Gaia, the consciousness of the planet and her planetary body are well on the way to the 5th dimension, so in order to go with her, we too much reach that frequency. Each soul has it’s own journey, each chose their path before incarnating and not everyone chose to ascend in the physical. We are eternal souls so we do have eternity to choose any path we wish, in any number of incarnations.
For those who chose to reach 5D while in the physical, it means merging with your Higher Self, your Divine Self, your Divinity. In that state of consciousness there is only joy, love and peace, earned through spiritual practices. There is no disease or pain. Happiness, good health, and spiritual fulfillment are the way of life.
There are numerous incarnated souls now inhabiting Earth’s Celestial realm. We have the old Earth and now we are moving into New Earth. That doesn’t mean there are or will be two physical planets, it simply means there is and will be more than one way to exist. It is a level of consciousness, one cannot exist in a higher dimensional realm if one’s vibrational frequency is lower than that dimension.
I will simplify it this way: if an incarnate wishes to live a life of spiritual fulfillment, then that
soul must attain a level of consciousness where they are completely and only operating from Love and Light.