Does Satan Exist?

Is there really a Satan? Who and what is it? 

Recently I have posted blogs about Sin (what is it) Heaven and Hell (is there a Heaven and Hell) and explanations of these concepts. 

Now I wish to explore a topic that a segment of society refer to as Satan or the devil.

There is no such being in existence. See the explanation below from Matthew Ward.

Matthew Ward via Suzy Ward taken from Golden Age of Gaia:


“Religious beliefs that are devised by the self-serving few so they could control the masses have a Supreme Being that decides where people will go when they die….If judged “evil” they go to an eternal hell ruled by the devil or Satan.

Those beliefs, which have caused centuries of massive bloodshed in the name of God, Allah or any other designation for the Supreme Being of this Universe, don’t have a nodding acquaintance with the universal reality, that both “good” and “evil” are energy streamers with positive or negative attachments, respectively.

With thanks to the Light beamed to Earth and radiated by Lightworkers, the power of beliefs founded and perpetrated in falsehoods is diminishing.”


The names, Satan and devil are dark energies, personified by humanity. These dark energies consist of a universal force field of negative thoughts, emotions and actions created over time and have been utilized and perpetrated upon humanity by organized religion. The main reason is to cause fear and guilt among the masses thus making them easier to control. The guilt and fear are huge impediments to evolvement and the ascension process.

These beliefs have nothing to do with love or God and no Divine Law (reality) to support them.

I’ve heard it said that the devil is God’s opposite; that statement is a falsehood. God has no opposite because God – Source Energy – Prime Creator is ‘all that is’. 
