Mother Father God Explained

What is God? Who is God? 

The word ‘God’ signifies many different deities in our language. I prefer Creator, Prime Creator, Source Consciousness, Source Energy.

Source Consciousness is the One many refer to when they say the word, God. Source Consciousness is all that is, It is Creation, It is ALL. Source Itself cannot assume physicality so It sent out sparks of ItSelf to experience existence in all forms and realities. We are those Divine Sparks, we are called Souls. The Soul clothed in form is the physical body. Each Divine Spark (each Soul) is a living, breathing miniature replica of Source. 

The first Divine Sparks that were radiated out in Creation were the Archangels and they became the Goddesses and Gods of the universes which means they are overseers, the directors of a certain area of space. The overseers of our universe are Archangel Ariel and Archangel Michael.

From Matthew’s message January 4, 2006:

Creator is the Supreme Being of the cosmos and God/Goddess, by whatever name, is Supreme Being of this universe, which is one of several in the cosmos.

One theory is that the Archangels each sent out extensions of themselves and then those extensions sent out extensions.  Each soul or extension is a fragment of Source consciousness – meaning we are all a minuscule part of Source Energy. 

I’ve seen it described in this order, like a pyramid:

  • Source
  • Archangels
  • Soul Group
  • Oversoul
  • Soul
  • Us – the incarnated ones.

Perhaps compare it to a tree, with Source as the trunk. Each branch sends out other branches which become smaller and smaller, then twigs and finally, leaves. Each leaf, twig and branch are an integral part of the tree.

This great Consciousness wants to experience ItSelf and each one of us, as a thread of that consciousness, contribute to the totality of Creation. Source consciousness can subdivide ItSelf into as many individual fragments as It chooses to, as It does this, It not only creates the various realities but It also plays the Game of Life through each and every one of us.

There are different levels of consciousness from Source on down the ‘pyramid’ or tree where we are at the bottom. Each level sends back to its higher level all that it learns and experiences which ultimately ends up at Source and that is how our Creator experiences ItSelf.

Source energy is a perfect balance of both feminine and masculine energy. The feminine half is the part that creates, that gives birth, the masculine is known as the implementor. 

The feminine is the matter (mater, Mother) and the masculine can be called the ignition. Mother is the motion and Father is the stillness. 

As described (an excerpt) through Steve Beckow and the Golden Age of Gaia with Linda Dillon channeling the Divine Mother:

Let me explain further. In many traditions, I am considered the Mother of All; in some traditions, the Mother of God, Source, One. Now, what does this mean? It means exactly what it says: I am the beginning and I am the completion, the end.  Each of you — and I have strongly encouraged you not only to discover but to find the masculine aspect of yourself, and the feminine, the stillness and the movement — you cannot have creation of any kind without both.

Creation comes from movement, and it is movement into form, into energy, into substance, into essence — however you conceive of that. But do not negate the role of the Father, of the masculine, because in that is the stillness of what you think of as the moment of creation.  So it is the combination.

To sum it all up:

Source Consciousness (Creator God) is neither male nor female, It is both, an equal balance of both energies. We, as fragments of our Creator are replicas of Source; we are powerful creator Beings.

Interpretations of some holy book references are serious departures from universal realities. For instance, the serpent that tempted Eve to eat fruit from the forbidden tree is considered by some religious scholars to represent God’s opposite, the devil or Satan. There is no devil or Satan and Creator has no opposite.

Prime Creator does not judge us nor forgive us – there is no need. All is judged and forgiven by ourselves after we shed our earthly physical body. 
