What About Heaven and Hell?

Heaven and hell – since no one incarnated here has posted any first hand experience of heaven and hell, how do we find an answer to what heaven and hell are like? Most rely on the world religious books and texts. There are some people who have their own idea and explanation but really – no one knows for sure – or do they?

Heaven is a level of consciousness:

  • it is a vibrational frequency, a step into a higher octave 
  • it is a dimensional field, the 5th dimensional level of awareness on up 
  • it is the Christ consciousness 
  • it is the octave of the Mother Goddess.

We can reach our own ‘Heaven on Earth’, it is something that we all have the power to do and when people begin to align with that, when the collective reaches that level we will have heaven on earth.

As we raise our consciousness to the 5th level, the collective will merge and unify their consciousness, when that is reached, we will live in love and harmony with each other and with the plant and animal kingdoms as they too have a consciousness.

Many souls here are operating in the 4th, upper 4th, lower 5th or 5th level of awareness so we are well on our way to reaching our goal of mass ascension. Ascension means reaching the 5th level of awareness.

That is how we create our own heaven on earth. 

From Matthew Books- Matthew Ward  September 11,1962 – April 17, 1980 matthewbooks.com

There is no “Heaven” as a placement, nor a “hell” as such. What people on Earth refer to as Heaven and hell actually are their approaches to situations wherever they are, and what each individual manifests as the circumstances of his life. Every single soul there creates his surroundings, and they are different from even the same “set of props” as they appear to those who are sharing that life in any close capacity.  It is a matter of individual perception that creates each individual world, and one can choose how he wishes to perceive all aspects of his life. It is just as easy to create the glories you attribute to Heaven as it is to create the horrors you associate with hell, and both conditions are being created right there! You have heard people say that someone “is creating his own hell,” or “Heaven and hell are right here on Earth.” YES!  And neither as perceived there, is in this spirit realm. 

Birth, life and death are a series of experiences and situations. We are all here to evolve in whichever way we choose and we have the gift of freewill to make any choices we wish to throughout our lives. Because of the choices a soul makes, it may find itself caught up in negative energy patterns that create hurdles that the soul may not be able to overcome, making it more difficult to advance in evolution.

Each soul’s afterlife may be different from another’s. There are many levels of consciousness/awareness that a soul occupies during a lifetime. When the physical body dies, the soul goes to the afterlife level that it has reached during the incarnation and thus experiences that afterlife.

There are times when a soul does not go directly home, there are some that will make a stop in the 4th dimension known Nirvana, where souls have an opportunity to attend Temples of learning and healing. We all need to reach a fifth level of consciousness before we can fully return to our home and the Healing and Learning Temples are where we are able to do that.

Hell is what we create through our choices that are not of kindness and love toward others. When we choose negative thoughts and emotions, that is where we exist, we live in the energy of the reality we create through our thoughts words and deeds. It’s all about choice, when we come from the heart, we create our own heaven, when we come from negativity, we create our own hell.

Throughout our physical journey through this lifetime, we create our reality second by second through our thoughts, words and deeds and that is when the Universal Law of Attraction comes into play and that is, “whatever energy we send out to the universe is what we get back”. 

When we feel or think negative thoughts, that is what we create, when we harm another, we actually harm our own Soul because we cannot move forward in evolution unless we come from Love. Love is the most powerful force in Creation, Source energy is Love, Love and Light and on our countless journeys through existence, our main goal is to return to Source, to God.

There are a variety of planes and sub planes in the Astral ( astral plane is a non-physical level of existence) and usually a ‘stop over’ on the way Home. Once there, the soul is assisted by many angels to raise their vibrational frequency to a level that will permit them to move forward to Nirvana (the 4th dimension)  where they have access to the healing and learning temples. Upon arrival to Nirvana, once again there are many celestial Beings ready to greet the soul and to provide assistance.

No soul is ever left behind, every one has the opportunity to accept the Light and attend the learning and healing temples in order to raise their consciousness to a level that will allow them to return to their home in the stars. 

It is of utmost importance to the soul because souls are energy, love light energy, and can only exist in frequencies that are of their vibration. If one is of a high vibrating frequency, they cannot live in the low frequencies and the same is true for the opposite, those of a low vibrating frequency are unable to survive in the higher vibrations. It has nothing to do with ‘punishment’, it is simply a matter of physics. If they do not raise their vibration, they are destined to remain in the lower ones and cannot go ‘Home” until they are of the consciousness that is required. 

The secret to raising our vibration and move forward in evolution is to come from the heart, manage our ego, stay in the positive energies as we navigate this tricky road through life.
