The Goddess Energies

sIn this writing I will familiarize you with and bring clarification to the term “The Goddess Energies.” In order to understand the present, it is necessary to re-visit the past since that is where this drama originated. I will tell you when it all began, why it began and how. It didn’t start yesterday, last year or even one thousand years ago – it started when Creation began.

In the beginning there was nothing, no Light, no dark – nothing. Then the Great Nothing, the Great Void, awakened, stirred, breathed out and this was the beginning of all things.  The sound of that breath was God, Mother God, the Void had given birth, the Void was the Ultimate Female Essence – the Creatrix. Source energy holds within It both masculine and feminine energies, however, it is the feminine that creates, that gives birth, and creates life from No-thing. 

Creation is comprised of many Universes, our Universe is one of seven. The Universe closest to us is Patriarchal, we are Matriarchal. These two Universes are in the process of merging energetically. Male is known as the color white, female is known as black. As these two merge, the color changes to Silver. Silver is the color of Unity Consciousness. 

As it is in the Universe, so it is on our Planet. Balance is required to create peace on our planet, in our Solar System, Galaxy and beyond. Part of the great plan of The Mother is for Unity Consciousness to become a reality on Earth, a blending and merging of energies, feminine and masculine. 

Our roots lie deep within the stars, our origins are in the stars, we are all Star Beings and from various Star Systems. Billions of years ago this planet was birthed from The Mother God, the One of All That is. At that time, Archangel Ariel ( Gaia ) became the consciousness, the Mother Goddess of the planet.

Approximately one billion years ago, the planet was seized by a group of Reptilian and Anunnaki species who were not of the Light. Their motive was vengeance against the Goddess for creating peace in the galaxy.  

The Dark one’s full intention was to start with Orion then expand outward to other Galaxies and our Matriarchal Universe making it a Patriarchal one. Having failed with that plan, they then turned their attention to Earth and decided to install a patriarchal society on this planet as part of their vendetta against the Goddess. At that time, Earth was being colonized by a group of Sirians from the Star System Sirius. Our planet has been occupied by a variety of civilizations since it’s formation, she is desired by many because of her abundant natural resources and precious minerals.

Earth eventually came under the control of a Sirian by the name of Marduk who formed an alliance with a group of malcontent reptilians, originally from Orion. Within this coalition, Marduk became the leader and extremely powerful. He appointed himself Sun God Ra, Father God, Lord creator of the Universe. He was now the “Patriarchal God” of planet Earth – a male God to replace the Mother Goddess of which all knowledge has been suppressed and hidden for eons.

It is at this point in my story that I wish to bring your attention to the blog “The Holy Grail” posted April 19, 2016.

The Holy Grail is a vessel, a body. There are various definitions of the Holy Grail which were created to deflect attention from the real Holy Vessel which is Mother Goddess, to that of an object, a cup. The Divine Feminine, the Goddess Energies have been suppressed and oppressed for a billion years to further the agenda of the dark patriarchy.

The Holy Grail can be defined as: the realization of the incarnate that it is one with the land of the planet that it occupies, meaning “a state of consciousness of being one with Gaia, Earth.” Humanity as a collective chose to ascend along with Gaia, meaning to ascend, one needs to attain the fifth dimensional (5D) level of consciousness which is the lowest level that is required to exist in the upper realms. Earth began as a 5th dimensional planet then fell to the 3rd from the abuse of the dark forces, the goal is for humanity to once again as a collective, attain 5D. 

It is the privilege of every person on this planet to have access to the Holy Grail and we all have that ability within us. What we need to do is reach out to Spirit, make that connection, do whatever inner work is required to bring our level of consciousness to the 5th dimension because when that level is reached, we will then know and understand that we are indeed one with the planet that we inhabit. That we are all One, one with Mother Nature, one with each other – all sparks of the One of All That is, Source energy.

When this realization, this awareness happens, when we understand that concept and live it, live in Love with the Planet and each other, then we have reached the Holy Grail and Unity consciousness. As we raise our own vibration, that in turn raises the vibration of those around us by energetically expanding outwards, which then raises the vibration of the Planet. 

The energies of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine are sweeping across Earth in various ways, topside and through the Ley Lines that energetically criss-cross the planet, these surface throughout the land and manifest as “The MeToo” movement for example. It is materializing everywhere, women are rising up and saying “no more, we have been oppressed long enough”. It is time for change. The Mother Goddess, through her Love energy is giving birth to situations world wide, encouraging women to finally come forward and stand in their power, stand in their rightful place alongside the benevolent masculine. It is unstoppable! The patriarchal system on planet Earth is in the process of being dismantled and removed, their power is vastly diminished. 

For a billion years The Goddess chose to remain silent, her Truth shrouded and hidden from humanity, the purpose was to allow humanity time to mature and evolve, time to learn to live in peace and harmony with each other, to refrain from violent warfare, greed and the lust for power. Wars cause destruction and lives are lost on both sides of the opposing forces. The negative energy that is created through wars is absorbed into Mother Earth which then must be cleared through natural methods, thus no one wins. 

The Light Forces work within the guidelines of Universal Law and are able to create change through their own representatives who are inhabitants of the planet that requires the changes. When their representatives ( us as incarnates ) reach out to them, to God and the Angelic Realm, they then have the permission to assist because an inhabitant of the planet has asked for the assistance. They are the power behind us, our power lies in our willingness to reach out and make that connection.

The Light quotient on this planet has increased enough through the work of many to enable the Light Forces to implement some of the changes that are desperately needed. That is how it works. The more Light we as inhabitants generate, the more assistance we receive from those who have the power and the ability to make those changes. It is all up to us, we are the ones who are ultimately responsible for effecting change. We do have help, we just have to ask for it, and by reaching out we open a doorway – we then become a bridge between the two worlds, the physical and the Spiritual.

In our world, we are still enslaved and oppressed in many ways. We have enslaved ourselves through our own belief systems, we have been programmed to accept that God is patriarchal through written material, prayers and songs. When the Truth of the Universal Goddess and Divine Mother God is finally acknowledged, then and only then will we be truly free from the restrictions of an antiquated belief system and our desire to avoid taking responsibility for our own lives. We have been programmed to believe that a saviour will one day descend to earth and save us all. We are our own saviours, we have the power within to reach out to our Creator God and the spirit world, to understand and accept that we are Divine Beings having a human experience, that we are here from other star systems to free our planet from those who control us.

We do not need harsh chemicals in our medicines, we have plenty of natural remedies in the plants that are abundant on this planet. That is where medicine originated from, plants, not chemicals. Big Pharma has polluted and contaminated a perfect, natural product by filling it with harsh chemicals. Another Truth is that we do not need to abuse this planet through drilling and fracking for oil and gas. There is enough natural, clean energy available for everyone.

There is also enough food produced to feed every woman, man and child, no one ever needs to go hungry. There is more than enough money available on our world for everyone to have a decent home. These are a few of the Truths that need to be accepted before we are completely free.

The Dark ones enslave us through keeping us ignorant of the truth regarding the history of this planet and by the use of various other means. We enslave ourselves through our reluctance to let go of archaic beliefs handed down through the ages because it interferes with our comfort zone. Once we move out of that comfort zone and stretch our minds a little to encompass a new set of beliefs, new ideas, new ways of doing things, that is when more change will happen. We must be willing to embrace the new, let go of the old and open our hearts to realize the Truth of the Goddess traditions. 

Now is the time to draw back the curtain of secrecy and shine Light on that which has been hidden for a billion years and illuminate the Truth. The time is now for the truth to be known, for the Goddess Energies to once again rise and sweep the across the lands and seas. Truth and Freedom go hand in hand. Accepting Truth requires purity of heart and then Freedom flows.

The Dark ones have kept us mired in lies and deceit for thousands of years because they knew if the Truth were revealed, their power and their grip on us would be gone, Freedom would be ours. However their hold on world control is loosening, we are on the brink of complete liberation! 

Archangel Ariel the Mother Goddess (Gaia), and the Mighty Archangel Michael, are working together, along with the Angelic Realm, the Galactic Federation of Light and Love and many, many other great Beings of Light to bring The Mother’s plan to fruition! We have so much assistance available to us and we have access to the Goddess energies that can fill each and every heart on this planet if we just allow it. We have available to us Archangel Michael, his sword of Truth and his Blue Ray. We just have to accept the Truth and allow it.
