Duality: Monarchy – Freedom

Monarchies  have been present on this world for centuries, the oldest found in my research was Japan, 660 BCE according to legend and mythology, next was Cambodia at 68 CE (or AD ) so it is a lengthy society but the numbers cannot be totally true, due to the time factor. There are fewer than 45 monarchies left in this world and most of these have very little power. The major power is in the control of the governments, churches or both – not the ones who wear the crown jewels.

In the early days, Queens and Kings became “Royal” through warfare, by seizing another country or fiefdom’s land and possessions. The ones who were overcome were often imprisoned murdered, tortured and/or forced into servitude. Those with the most military might and wealth were the victors and declared themselves King or Queen. 

In ancient times, tribes or clans needed a leader, one who kept them together, who told them what to plant, where to hunt and live, one who had the strength and experience to make decisions. The leadership was taught and then passed down to another family member, beginning what is known as “succession”, it is now a worldwide institution of entitlement. 

In bygone days warfare and oppression were used to gain land and wealth, in todays society that is not as obvious or widely practiced as it once was. Today’s monarchs are usually just a figurehead with little or no power, however, they still live off the backs of the working classes. They are in fact, parasitic or worse.

The government of Canada still recognizes Elizabeth Windsor, the “Queen of England” as the country’s monarch and her husband Phillip Mountbatten as “Prince”. They, as well as their extended family, visit Canada occasionally, all paid for by the Canadian taxpayer at the cost of millions of dollars. To deserve this complimentary holiday their “job” is to ride in motorcades, wave and smile at the adoring crowds and periodically shake a few hands in the crowd. That is entitlement and freeloading. 

Their birthright endows them with a free ride, their very existence is paid for by the working class, their ancient castle renovations, their trips, their lives, they do naught to earn their way through life. They might enjoy a sense of freedom, however the portion of the population who works so that these Royals are able to enjoy a life of luxury are denied that same freedom.

In view of my research on Monarchies which includes the one who is known as the Queen of England, I found very disturbing material regarding her involvement in missing children from residential schools. 

One such story caught my attention: 

Elizabeth Windsor and Phillip visited Kamloops, British Columbia in 1964 during which 10 Native children disappeared. They were invited to go on a picnic with the two “royals”, they did go and never returned.

I personally remember this story because I heard it myself about 2010-2013. It was broadcast on local or national TV. I only heard it once then never again – it was aired, then buried. I have always been curious about that broadcast, now I believe I know what happened and why it was concealed from the public. 

Why was it broadcast? Was it factual? Why was it later concealed from the public? Is Elizabeth Windsor of the reptilian species? Are she and her family involved in ritualistic sacrifices of humans – both children and adults? Is she a member of a bloodthirsty group that uses human adrenalized flesh and blood for longevity? 

Why are those that question her, often found dead or just disappear? 

If they disappeared, where did they go? Is anyone looking for them? What about the missing Native women and children? Are they her victims? What really happened to Princess Diana? Did she have a secret that caused her death? Did they need to silence her? Why was she so terrified and hiding near the end of her life?

The internet is abound with both fact and fiction, it is the responsibility of the reader to use discernment and seek their own truth.

It may appear to the reader that I am focusing on the UK “royals”, perhaps that is so. It is due to my familiarity of this family. I believe that Princess Diana was murdered August 31, 1997 because she knew the truth and wished the world to know it! She lived her final few years terrified because she knew what they were capable of and in the end, I believe that she was right. 

There are millions of Lightworkers who care deeply about this planet and have taken on the mantle of “service to others” to uplift Earth and free her from the grip of the dark patriarchy that has kept Her and humanity enslaved for thousands of years.

Many use the pen or their voice to present the truth and numerous ones have been imprisoned – such as Julian Assange – or had their websites shut down or tampered with, have been ostracized by their friends, families or the public, still they continue. 

The Divine Mother created souls to be free, to have the freewill to experience life in all forms, to evolve and attain spiritual enlightenment. The new Hu-man was created free, free to explore this beautiful planet and to grow spiritually. That freedom has been impaired over the centuries. 

Humanity has been enslaved and the various monarchies are part of that. They live a privileged life, their servants do not, the taxpayers that fund their existence do not have the freedom to say “nay – my tax dollars do not go to refurbish an ancient castle or pay for a “royal’s” holiday”.

The enslavement and abuse is almost at an end, the Light quotient has increased dramatically – we are nearly at the finish line! The control of the dark patriarchy is slipping, they are running scared and scurrying into their holes.

Freedom is at hand for Earth and Her inhabitants. 
