The Power of Anarchy

Wow! That’s quite a title! However, I looked up “Anarchy” online and this is what it said. 

“ A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal”

During my morning “musing” I began to think of life here on Earth, I thought of the many ways in which we as a Species are controlled. There are so many that they seem mundane and often slip by unnoticed – or noticed but shrugged off. Think of the price of fuel that escalates just when “Holiday” season starts, or the beginning of a Long Weekend – a mini holiday – our 3 day “time off” from routine. This exploitation is not an accident, it is deliberate. We fuss and complain but we go on our holiday just the same. What would happen if everyone stayed home? What if everyone decided to rebel for the same cause?

Then my thoughts rambled to the credit card companies. They fleece us every month with their atrocious interest charges. Many folks never have the means to pay off their credit cards, they live their whole life in debt to the Big Banks. I realize that banks are a business and have costs to pay but their methods go way beyond what is necessary. Our society is heavily influenced and often even controlled by the elite, the wealthy, the privileged while the impoverished suffer. The middle class is almost non-existent. There can be arguments pro and con but I am speaking (writing) generally. 

A few weeks ago I read in our local newspaper that the country of Iran had hired 2000 new Police Officers – not to watch for thieves or murderers but to police women who were becoming defiant about wearing the Hijab!!  I am sure that there were no women on the panel who decided that. A Hijab is worn by Muslim women to cover their heads while a Burka (or Niqab) is worn as a full face cover. 

My sense of fairness and justice reared up as usual and I thought -“ what if ALL women in Iran refused to wear the head cover and rose up in unity to protest this measure of control by the patriarchy of the country?” Would the Police shoot them all, kill all the women? I don’t think so – if that happened who would bear the children and cook the meals for the men?

One day a few months ago I thought about our system of “income tax” and that perhaps if everyone stood their ground and refused to pay income tax, what could the Government do? We work hard, pay our taxes, obediently send our hard-earned money to the government – what then? Just what do they do with all of our money? Some of it is needed to keep the Country running of course, but is it all used for that purpose? If not what happens to it?

How about all of the Canadian Senators who are paid exorbitant amounts of money and for the most part, do nothing? Most are retired from active government and becoming a Senator is a reward for playing a role in government affairs. Often many of them do not even show up to sit in the senate, yet are still paid.

There is power in one person who confronts injustice and unfair authority and there is great power in the Masses, when people stand up in unity for a single purpose, change can happen.

Our governments, banks, health system, education system, big oil & gas, Monsanto/Bayer  – our very lives – are in the control of an off-planet Patriarchal group. There are humans and their  minions who work with this group of Dark brothers and sisters, we know them as the dark elite. I once read that our world is controlled by only about 13 families, 13 very wealthy families.  

Numerous Species inhabit our Solar System, Galaxy and Universe, most of these Beings in our Galaxy are benevolent and are members of the Galactic Federation of Light and Love. There are a few who are malevolent and one of these groups are the ones who took possession of our Planet about a billion years ago and have controlled Humanity since that time. They were always aggressive but more so in the last 100,000 years. 

The Goddess of our Universe has decreed that there will be no more world wars on this planet, so the dark ones have made it a psychic war, a war for the hearts and minds of the population. Their greatest tool is mind control and they are experts at it.

It is all very organized and has been successful until recently, when through the efforts of the many Light workers who came to Earth as Starseeds and the assistance we have been receiving from the Galactic Federation of Light and Love all under the guidance of the Universal Goddess, change has come about. We are on the brink of Freedom!

The desire for Freedom is ensconced deep within us all, it is that spark that encourages us to go on when our challenges are great, it is the yearning for fairness and justice that overcomes our fear. It is the urging of someone or something we do not always understand that inspires us to continue onwards and upwards, it is our aspiration for peace, unity and harmony. It is the distant memory of long ago lifetimes that tickles the forefront of our consciousness, sometimes buried but always present.

If every soul existing on Earth knew their own power and reached for Spirit, God, our Star families, Angels, and/or Oversoul and made that connection there would be no Dark Force here! That is because the Dark ones cannot survive in the higher vibrational frequencies that are present when one connects with Spirit. 

This would also eliminate the Archons whose sole sustenance is fear and negativity. It is what they exist on – what the feed on – they too would vanish. When we make that connection, that bridge between the physical and the Spiritual, we enable the Light Forces to step in and assist us, so in this way, we are our own Saviors.

If the all inhabitants of this beautiful Orb, this Blue Pearl ( as it is known in the higher dimensions ) would take a stand for Truth, Justice, Fairness, Equality and Love, this Planet would be Free! That means saying “No” to the Controllers, the banks, governments, medical & educational systems, farming practices, slaughter of animals – all of this can and would likely create chaos, through chaos comes change.

Chaos can occur through Anarchy and this is not always a bad thing. Chaos can be cleansing – a detoxification that is akin to a wildfire. From cleansing comes transformation, rebirth, regrowth, renewal – New Life, New Earth.

There IS Power in Anarchy!
