The Ones Lost

The Earth is populated with a variety of races, one of those races is the North American Native. This race has been here for eons, one of the civilizations seeded from a planet in the Galaxy as part of the Divine Mother’s Great Experiment. When the new HU-man was created, a part of the Plan was to have the Earth occupied by different species from other planets, given Free Will and then live side by side without conflict. If many divergent races living on Earth could exist peacefully, it would be a great example to others in the Galaxy and yes, beyond!

The North American Native was one of these species from a planet or galaxy somewhere within the Universe, a proud, strong race and very Spiritual. They believed in living harmoniously with Mother Nature and respecting all life. They had their own ways of connecting with Spirit which were very effective such as drumming, chanting, medicine wheels, fasting, prayers and sweat lodges where they detoxified their physical bodies.

They used group circles where they would gather to hear the Ancient Wisdom from the prophetess of the time. This member of the group was a woman, the most powerful of them all and well respected. She was the “Medicine Woman”, the Healer of the group, the one who communicated directly with Great Spirit and then passed these words of wisdom, these teachings onto the others in the tribe.

Long ago the Star Beings visited them and were welcomed by the Natives without fear. This relationship continued for many years until the Dark Forces intruded. Due to the Spirituality and the equality that existed within their society, the Natives were targeted by the Dark – the abuse and oppression began. The domination by the Dark ones clashed with the ways of the benevolent Galactics who came from Love and Light, and these Beings of Light knew their continuing presence would only bring harm to the Native population so the visits ceased.

The abuse of a once proud, strong people began and it began with the intentional genetic manipulation by the use of implants thousands of years ago. The plan was to decimate the Native population by altering their immune system to become susceptible to disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, alcoholism and drug abuse. The lands that assured their survival were taken from them, the buffalo that provided them with food, warmth and tools were slaughtered en masse by the white settlers, often just for sport. The railroads encroached on the land that was home to the buffalo and their numbers decreased over time, almost to extinction.

The Natives were eventually overcome by the military or police forces of the day and forced onto reservations, given “Treaty” money and left with nothing of their old life. Many of the children were taken by various churches, the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican and the United churches were heavily involved as well as the Canadian Federal Government and forced into residential schools where they were taught the “white man’s” language and curriculum. During this time, countless indigenous ones were abused physically and sexually. This was all done for the so-called betterment of the Native population, so they could “assimilate” into White Society – all for their own good, of course. 

They became ineffective as a race, they could not co-exist in harmony with their white brothers and sisters. Their health was poor, many were uneducated and could not compete in the job force and life on the reservations was not conducive to spiritual enlightenment, they just wanted to survive, many lost their way to Spirit through the manipulation of their very life.

Innumerable historical events on this planet have been warped and skewed to jibe with the patriarchal agenda of the malevolent off-planet group of Draco Reptilians and their minions – this is so with the history of the North American Native. In movies, mass media, and school curriculum, they were most often reputed as being “the bad guy”. This entrenched a set of beliefs into white society and is still true today in many families. As with all bigotry, racism and discrimination, it starts in childhood. No child is ever born bigoted, it is learned. 

There are many questions unanswered. Why is there not more effort put forth to find missing indigenous women? Where have they all gone? Why is there not more action or interest on the part of the authorities to find the murderers of indigenous women? Why are they so expendable? Why ARE so many murdered and missing?? Are they being taken for organ harvesting? Taken for the sex trade? What about Human trafficking? Many are poor, lonely and alone. This makes them “easy pickings” for the Dark ones.

If and when the collective of this planet attain Spiritual Enlightenment, the Dark ones will be gone, they will be no more – and they know this. The Natives lived a Spiritual life, they had equality between the sexes and had they been left to live this way of life, they could have influenced much of the population and THIS is why they were targeted by the Dark ones. Their very way of life was a threat to the patriarchal agenda of the Dark ones! 

The plight of this race is now on the National news, TV and in newspapers. I hear and read words like “genocide” and “eradication” and I find this very interesting. Perhaps the rest of humanity is finally beginning to understand and realize the scope of the atrocities that the North American Native, particularly the women have suffered and still are suffering. Their race was intentionally decimated to prevent them from demonstrating to others that living in harmony with Nature, connecting with The Mother Goddess – Archangel Gaia, the consciousness of Earth, and with benevolent Beings of Light from other areas in the Universe was the way to Spiritual Enlightenment. Their goodness and Spirituality was their downfall. 

Those on the Spiritual path have been ridiculed, persecuted and executed over the ages. It is coming to an end! The Dark ones are on their way out, the liberation of this planet will soon be a reality!
