The Matrix

In the spiritual community, those souls who are awakening often speak of “The Matrix”. What is the Matrix?

It is an energetic grid which surrounds our Planet outside of it’s auric field about 15 miles above the earth.

Our Galaxy is called Eridanus. Billions of years ago in linear time, Galactic wars, death and destruction were common. The wars were known as the Great Galactic wars and continued for billions and billions of years, caused the death and destruction of planets and many lives were lost. The ancient civilizations that participated in this warfare possessed Star Ships that were the size of small planets and/or moons and their technology was highly developed. During one of these conflicts, two great Star Ships destroyed each other through the use of nuclear warfare. 

They bombarded each other with their weapons of death, each sustaining mortal damage. As the Ships careened wildly through our Solar System in their death throes, a gigantic chunk from one of the ships plummeted towards our planet, crashing into her. Major trauma to her great body resulted, she lurched, tilted on her axis and was in danger of being knocked off her orbit and veering out into space. 

Witness to all of this carnage was Mother God, the Angelic Kingdom and countless Galactics. Under the direction of Mother God, the Angelic Kingdom took control. They placed a field of healing, stabilizing energy around her, this field of energy later became known as The Matrix.

Approximately a billion years ago, Earth came under the domination of a group of Dark Forces – malevolent, greedy, power hungry extraterrestrials some of whom were Reptilians from Draco, a faction of Anunnaki from a planet in the Sirius Star System and a segment of Greys. They corrupted the inhabitants through abuse, terror and injustice. The Dark ones are still here although their power is vastly diminished.

Earth was not to be left in Peace. More destruction to her great body was on the horizon. Long ago during the Atlantean and Lemurian era, Atlantis was taken over by the group of Dark ones who created animosity between Atlantis and Lemuria. More warring began. The result of these wars was almost total annihilation of both land masses. Hawaii, Fiji, and New Zealand are remnants of the Lemurian continent. Atlantis completely sank beneath the waves.

Through the Dark ones malevolent control of Earth, Humanity fell from a fifth dimensional civilization to the third. When this happened, Gaia, the consciousness of the planet chose to drop with the inhabitants by taking human physical form. Archangel Gaia has incarnated over and over again through the ages to assist humanity to raise their vibration and attain mass ascension. The fall from 5D to 3D was a direct result of the various mechanisms used to control Humanity, some of which were wars ( population control ), religion ( fear, guilt, suppression of a huge part of the population ), chemicals in our air, food and water and many more.

Humanity has suffered injustice and abuse for thousands of years and this has been and is expressed in thoughts, words, deeds and emotions. The negative energy from the masses has gone out into the atmosphere and settled in the energy field around the planet causing it to transform from healing energy to negative energy.

Souls decide to incarnate here on Earth with good intentions, to live a loving, compassionate life, learn lessons and evolve, however once here having taken the Veil of Forgetfulness, that Journey becomes much more difficult and many lose their way. They lose sight of the Light, stray to the dark side and become lost and their good intentions are lost as well.

Due to the abusive influence of the dark forces, many humans become impoverished, homeless, drug and alcohol addicted, revert to inhumane treatment of each other and send their thoughts of despair, sadness, hopelessness and anguish out into the ethers where all of that negativity settles in the energy field that surrounds the Earth intensifying the negativity year after year.

This creates a “prison” of sorts, a negative energy field that keeps Souls coming back over and over again to learn, grow, evolve and shed their Light. Each time that a soul incarnates on planet Earth, they wish to choose love and some do exactly that – others fall to the energies of power, greed, corruption and very often cannot complete their life Journey as planned.

Once a physical body is released and the soul returns Home to their Galactic family and friends, they are aware of not fulfilling their contract, various lessons were not learned, certain Karma was not completed so the soul incarnates once again to accomplish their goals. When this takes place over and over it becomes what is known as the “Karmic Wheel”.

There is good news. Through the awakening of much of humanity in the past decade or so, the Light on this planet has increased to the point that the Galactics can intervene and assist. The Dark ones are in disarray and running scared. They still are able to create some degree of havoc but are neutralized in many ways. 

The Matrix is gradually disintegrating and being replaced with Healing energy once again. This transition is a smooth, gradual process that occurs as humanity continues to reach for Spirit and raise their vibration. Soon this planet will be free to pursue her Destiny and Humanity will continue to pursue their Destiny which is Spiritual Enlightenment!
