What is a Starseed? What is a Lightworker?

These words are often used in the Spiritual community and someone who is not familiar with them may wonder just what a Starseed or Lightworker is. Occasionally “Starseed” designation can be confused with “Lightworker”. There is a difference.

Most souls on the planet are Starseeds but not all are Lightworkers. All Lightworkers are Starseeds.

A Starseed is just that, a Soul from another star system that is seeded onto a planet, one who has the desire to experience life in many different realities and forms. They are explorers, adventurers, eager to learn and move on up the ladder of evolution. Many come in with the purpose of helping others and there are those who just wish to experience life.

A Lightworker is any one soul who comes from a pure heart and shares their Light with another in a kind, compassionate, loving, caring way. He or she is a soul who incarnates with a tendency for “service to others”. Many come to this planet to assist in the liberation of the planet and humanity and gravitate to the healing arts and or the metaphysical world. 

A soul does not necessarily have to do anything to be a Lightworker, some souls just ‘be” and in that way, their energy affects those around them and uplifts another energetically and spiritually.

There are Lightworkers who are consciously working in service to others, and are playing their role in a conscious manner. Many have a built in activation system that will take effect when the time is right – a time they decided upon pre-incarnate and that activation system will enable them to “Wake up” and remember the Truth.

This built-in system causes them to stir from their slumber, to awaken to their true purpose on this planet, to do the work they chose and agreed to perform, to carry out their mission. Their High Self is in charge of the Journey and the incarnate usually cannot resist the urging from their High Self. When they do remember their Home in the Stars they usually experience a sense of emptiness, longing or have a feeling of being “different” and often do not fit in with the rest of society.

The strong urging from their High Self is the force that propels them on despite all obstacles and challenges. It is undeniable and compelling. It is the force that carries them through stressful times when friends and family members do not and cannot understand them. It can be a very difficult, lonely path. The longing for their true Home and the sense of being different contributes to their challenges. 

Sometimes they get lost and do not finish the work they came here to do, if this is the case, there is no judgement from Spirit, or the other dimensions from which they came, only compassion and love.

To those who “remember” their starry past –  carry your Beacon of Light high, go forth with tenacity and love.


January 11, 2018